Bajaur Deja Vu

The last time Pakistan had declared victory against the Taliban in the Bajaur tribal region overlooking Kunar province in Afghanistan was in spring 2009. Last month, a similar claim has been made again. What the 'fall of Bajaur' means for Pakistan and the Taliban?

Bajaur lies at a strategic junction connecting Afghanistan's eastern Kunar province with Pakistan's mainland, providing an important supply route for both the foreign and local militants fighting the US-led coalition forces in Afghanistan and government troops in Pakistan. This tribal district is home to Maulvi Faqir Muhammad, the militant Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) deputy chief, and borders Dir district to link with the Swat Valley where militancy forced military offensives last year that triggered the internal displacement of over two million residents from Swat itself and neighbouring Buner and Lower Dir districts.

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