Final words on fatalism

Himal takes leave of the debate on Dor Bahadur Bista's book Fatalism and Development (Orient Longman, New Delhi 1991) with two
items. One is an excerpt from a talk presented by Bista on 6 September at the National Congress on Sociology and Anthropology of Nepal.
The other is an extended definition of 'fatalism' as provided by Robert Nisbet, Albert Schweitzer Professor of the Humanities at Columbia
University, New York, in his book: Prejudices: A Philosophical Dictionary (Harvard University Press 1982). We suggest that any reader
contemplating further correspondence on fatalism and development consider writing a book instead.

Hawking the Anomalous
It is true that I have frequently shied away from the identity of an anthropologist. That is because I am not sure whether I fit in with the straitjacket definition of an orthodox anthropologist. I am, by nature, an unorthodox creature. 1 cannot help it. This is the only way 1 can be honest with my academic friends, colleagues and myself. But it does not bother me because it is not my problem…

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Himal Southasian