Romancing India

Last week's BRIC and IBSA conferences brought some of the world's highest profile heads of state to Brasilia. Among all the fanfare, Brazil reserved the heartiest handshakes and the largest front page spreads for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. This was at least partly due to the two states' burgeoning political and economic ties, with India-Brazil as the one common partnership in both these emerging forums of vastly different nations, but there is more to it than just that. Over the last year Brazil's public has developed something of a cultural fetish for all things Indian and Southasian, but their fascination with the region doesn't point to any real understanding of the subcontinent's realities.

When I first came to Brazil three years ago, I got nothing but hazy stares if I answered Nepal when asked "Where are you from?" I tried "Close to India," to at least point people to the correct part of the planet, but the conversation usually stalled there as people did not know what to make of the region. Not so since last year, though. Nepal still doesn't figure on most Brazilians' maps, but say anything about India and you're sure to get a bright smile, a 'haare baba' and a 'bhagwan ke liye'.

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