The rice and roti routine

CK Lal is a writer and columnist based in Kathmandu.

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The last roti is for her
With which
She has to craft
The next day's sun.
– Premranjan Animesh in Pichhali Roti

Mao Zedong is believed to have said that the more chillies you ate, the more revolutionary you became. Judging from the fire in the press-statements of the Maobaadi commissars of Nepal, they must have bitten fistfuls of jyanmaras (killer chillies) in their childhood. But like most Nepalis, they too must have grown up eating loads of the staple rice as well. Despite tall claims of the Maobaadi leadership about the emancipation of women, indications are that the lot of the 'fairer' sex among insurgents is no fairer than their fate in the society at large. If we are what we eat, something is seriously wrong with the Southasian staple—rice and rotis.

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Himal Southasian