Travelling menagerie

When you are travelling with dogs, you have to get your planning done right. This is particularly so when it's not one, or even two dogs, but – as in our case – four of them. You cannot just land up at a destination in the evening and wander about hoping to find lodgings. Most innkeepers would raise their eyebrows at finding such a muttly crew on their doorsteps.

Many years of dealing with this scenario has taught my wife Anjali and me a strategic process. After we have worked out an itinerary, I research accommodation options on the Internet, and give Anjali a list of hostelries to follow up with. She then coaxes, cajoles and charms the places into agreeing to let us and our furry brood spend the night. Some places are easier to convince than others. As a state, Gujarat has always been a stumbling block – we have never managed to find accommodation there that is, well, accommodating.

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