A year of loktantra

While the optimism and euphoria of the arrival of loktantra (the new Nepali coinage for 'people's democracy') has dissipated somewhat since King Gyanendra stepped down on 24 April 2006, the Nepali peace process is unquestionably progressing. Economic inclusion will take longer, and full social inclusion may have to wait for a generational change, but the upcoming Constituent Assembly process will nonetheless offer an opportunity to lay the groundwork for these seismic changes to begin.

Nepal was never going to be able to move the peace process forward at the breakneck speed with which it started; nor was it feasible for the overly optimistic political timetables that were promised to be met. Nevertheless, having had a temporary government made up of the Seven Party Alliance (SPA), the country has now moved to an 8-party interim government. The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) has handed over most of its weapons to the United Nations, and has officially entered the government. Power no longer resides with the king. The country's political leaders can be proud of this record, achieved within a year in power.

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Himal Southasian