Agha Shahid Ali: Calligraphy of coils

Agha Shahid Ali: Calligraphy of coils

If, as Edward Said says in Representations of the Intellectual, "…for most exiles the difficulty consists not simply in being forced to live away from home, but rather, given today´s world, in living with the many reminders that you are in exile, that your home is not in fact so far away, and that constant but tantalising and unfulfilled touch with the old place," then perhaps Agha Shahid Ali exemplifies that condition very well. A Kashmiri poet who now lives in the US teaching creative writing at the University of Massachusetts, Shahid has become a well-known figure in the Anglo-Indian literary scene. Besides his collections of poetry

(Bone Sculpture, In Memory of Begum Akhtar and Other Poems, A Walk Through the Yellow Pages and A Nostalgist´s Map of America), he is also a translator of Faiz Ahmed Faiz (The Rebel´s Silhouette: Selected Poems of Faiz Ahmed Faiz).

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