Political evolution in Kathmandu

The political stability for which the people of Nepal have long waited, for the sake of peace and progress – and, lately, for the writing of a new constitution – has again proved elusive. By the middle of May, one more experiment was being attempted, with a new government coalition made up of or backed by all the political parties other than the United Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist).

]The Constituent Assembly elections in April 2008 gave the Maoists 38 percent in the House, and placed them in leadership of the government. Yet this opportunity to take the lead in writing the constitution, as well as in providing the 'change' that the people expected from them, was squandered. The distance the Maoists had to travel from the jungle to Singha Durbar, the government Secretariat, was perhaps too vast, and the time just not enough. Running a government proved to be somewhat more complex than engaging in armed revolt.

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