Messner the myth maker

Reinhold Messner has marketed the concept of the Himalaya as a "dream factory" only too well. He is better-known throughout Europe than any Asian politician. Whether or not he is a good ambassador of the people of the Himalaya is for the people of the Himalaya to decide.

If you ask school children in Austria or Germany about the Himalayan region, the first world that they will eagerly mention is "Messner", and follow it up with a cliche from the late 1980s: "He´s there looking for the Yeti." On the subject of Nepal, they know that it is "the country of Everest", the highest mountain in the world, and that there is a lot of garbage lying around there. With regard to the people of Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bhutan and Tibet, they have very little idea. Ask any adult, and you do not get much more satisfaction. How did discovering the Yeti and the rubbish dumps on Chomolongma Base Camp come to be regarded by Europeans as among South Asia´s most urgent problems? Part of the answer, perhaps a major part of it, is Reinhold Messner, a story teller with a mass audience.

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