Simple truth

Tibetan filmmaker Dhondup Wangchen has been in prison awaiting trial for the past year and a half, due to 25 minutes of low-key though frank conversation with Tibetans about the Chinese.

Rare are tales of a lone individual challenging China's brutal censorship mechanism with a single act of bravery and determination. But that is the story of Dhondup Wangchen (see photo below). With the help of his friend, a Buddhist monk named Jigme Gyatso, also known as Golog Jigme, Wangchen has shown that limited means can be overcome to bring untold stories to global attention. In so doing, his plight has become a focal point for international Tibet-related publicity and activism at a time when, otherwise, related momentum had largely dissipated following the widespread protests of March-April 2008.

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Himal Southasian