The Carpetbaggers

Himalayan exoticism has turned out to be an economic commodity, and not just for those who live here. All kinds of Western (the term including Japanese) professionals continue to make hay under Himalayan sunshine -tour-guides, filmmakers, photographers, novelists and political scientists.

Even spies have found employment by virtue of the mysteries — mystical or otherwise — of the Himalaya. After all, the venerable Indian pundits who infiltrated Tibet in service of the Raj were not following the footsteps of Padmasambhava, the Indian sage who brought Buddhism to Tibet. And doubtless, the shenanigans of the KGB, the CIA and other services continue to provide employment in the Himalaya. Kalimpong used to be the un-challenged hotbed of international sleuths right up to the 1950s. And remember the American "mountaineers"who set up a nuclear-powered observation unit on top of Nanda Devi to monitor Chinese activities in Lop Nor?

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Himal Southasian