Himal Southasian’s Anti-Sexual-Harassment Policy

Himal Southasian’s Anti-Sexual-Harassment Policy

In late 2019, Himal Southasian initiated a process for developing an anti-sexual-harassment policy for the organisation, initially drafted based on the Vishakha Guidelines (instituted by the Supreme Court of India) and the International Labour Organization's sample policy. A similar policy was in place at Himal when it was based in Kathmandu, before its temporary suspension and relocation to Colombo in 2018. After several rounds of consultation and its eventual adoption in 2021, we're pleased to publicly release Himal's 'Anti-Sexual-Harassment Policy'. Our objective in publishing it online is to provide a reference point for other workplaces to develop their own policies to address the pervasive issue of workplace sexual harassment. We do not intend for this document to be absolutely prescriptive – it is specific to our context, and emerged out of consultations with all members of our organisation. Policy documents alone cannot be a solution to sexual harassment, which is perpetuated through patriarchal systems and entrenched power and privilege. But we hope this document encourages further discussions and, hopefully, more concrete action on ways to make workplaces safer for everyone.



Policy Statement

Himal is committed to ensuring a safe and secure environment for all its employees, free from discrimination and harassment. As such, Himal undertakes to prevent or deter the commission of such acts and will adopt a zero-tolerance policy for any form of sexual harassment, inappropriate behaviour, misconduct, or abuse in the workplace. All complaints of sexual harassment will be taken seriously and treated with respect. A safe space and environment will be ensured for the complainant including confidentiality where appropriate. Action will be taken as required, including but not limited to disciplinary action.

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Himal Southasian