PM10 levels across Southasia between Thursday 18 April 2019 and Thursday 16 April 2020. Scroll down to slide between the before and after images.
PM10 levels across Southasia between Thursday 18 April 2019 and Thursday 16 April 2020. Scroll down to slide between the before and after images.

Why Southasia’s air is cleaner this Earth Day

Environmental gains for Southasia need not end when factories reopen.

In mid-March 2020, social-media posts began flagging the return of wildlife to public spaces deserted due to the spread of COVID-19. Swans, dolphins and elephants drunk on corn wine received millions of likes before being debunked. Footage of an endangered Malabar civet on a street in Kozhikode was shared over a thousand times before an Indian Forest Service officer pointed out it was actually a small Indian civet.

Although there was much discussion about the fake videos and the whimsical responses they triggered, the underlying issue they reflected – our desire to see a reduction in environmental harm – was not adequately discussed. The common intuition, that the air is cleaner, and the environment better off as a result of reduced economic activity, was rarely evaluated.

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Himal Southasian