Photo : FSA
Photo : FSA

A road well travelled

COLUMN: Yirmiyan Arthur Yhome’s documentary captures a personal journey through a complex landscape.

The road in Yirmiyan Arthur Yhome's documentary, This Road I know, carries the weight of many metaphors. At the beginning of the film, it takes us into the memories of the director's idyllic childhood. As the narrative unfolds, it turns into a device to explore ethnic divisions and the history of violence that marks the region where Yhome grew up.

The road in question is the highway between Nagaland and Manipur. As the filmmaker notes, it is a symbolic, as well as an economic, lifeline to the rest of the country. Blockades are often enforced on this road, causing terrific damage to local economies and hardships to residents – a note that is sure to have resonated with the audience in Kathmandu during Film Southasia 2015. The capital is reeling from shortages due to the blockage of fuel and other goods on its border with India, now in its second month.

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