Afghan oasis

Deborah Rodriguez's book, a high tale of determination, challenge, love and heartache, could easily be fiction. It is not. The Kabul Beauty School is the true story of an American woman who catapulted herself from Holland, Michigan to Kabul, Afghanistan. Rodriguez came to Afghanistan in 2002 with an American organisation that deals with emergency situations. At the introduction session, she said that she was a hairdresser, and was greeted by thunderous applause. Everyone, no matter where they are, needs haircuts, and Rodriguez realised that, despite her training in other forms of life-support work, it was her hairdressing skills that were more in demand.

Gregarious by nature, she soon turned her attention to getting to know Afghans who spoke some English. Out of these meetings and her own professional background was born the idea of a beauty school, which she launched upon leaving her job. (The first school was on the grounds of the Ministry of Women, which she had to vacate after one day finding herself and her supplies abruptly locked out.) Rodriguez developed close friendships with many Afghan women, who shared with her personal stories of the tyranny of the Taliban from which they had recently escaped. It is these stories that make up the crux of Rodriguez's book.

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