Towards a feminism of caste

Gender and Caste

edited by Anupama Rao;

series Issues in Contemporary Feminism

Kali for Women, New Delhi, 2003;

Price: Rs 325

In recent years, the intricate interconnections between gender and caste in Indian society has been recognised and explored by more and more academics and those involved in struggles for social change. The result has been the emergence of a vast corpus of literature of variable quality, characterised by multiple perspectives, depending on where each argument is coming from. While the corpus is large it is scattered so that a systematic overview of the re-search so far would be difficult to obtain. Gender and Caste, in a sense, addresses this problem to some extent by bringing together a collection of historical and contemporary analyses, reports, manifestos and testimonies that bear on the theme and tries to align academic inquiry with contemporary political developments. This anthology is an important addition to Kali for Women's series Issues in Contemporary Feminism, particularly because it seeks to exorcise the ghost of 'monolithic identity' which the Indian feminist movement has cast itself in. Issues pertaining to dalit women and their oppression look like they are being addressed, al-though the reality points elsewhere. It is for this reason that the volume underlines the need to address the 'caste-deficiency' in Indian feminism.

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