Beyond violence (India)

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), more bluntly called drones, might soon be used in anti-Maoist operations in India, according to the Ministry of Home Affairs. Apparently, they are to be used solely as surveillance to assist forces on the ground conducting anti-Naxalite operations in a host of states – Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa, Maharashtra and West Bengal – in order to carry out 'precision' attacks. Officials emphasise that there are no plans yet to use the weapons capabilities. But for how long?

New Delhi is getting desperate, it would seem, if it is contemplating such measures. The contradictory public utterances recently emanating from the Home Ministry further reveal the lack of a cohesive strategy, even while identifying 'left-wing extremism' as the country's biggest security threat. In September, just days after launching Operation Green Hunt (planned as a combing operation to 'flush out' the armed rebels), Home Minister P Chidambaram hastened to dub the proposal a "media creation".

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