Blue revolution blues

The soil isn't soil any more

Water is water no more

Even then

The forest hasn't diminished

Tigers have not dwindled

Beasts manage to find preys

But grass doesn't grow enough

To feed the goats

 – From Shivashankar Mishra's Hindi poem Bagh-Bakari

An ocean is named after India. Bangladesh has an entire bay celebrating its location. Pakistan is the home of Harrappa, an ancient water-based civilisation. Rivers from Nepal feed 'mother' Ganga – a river that sustains one of the most densely populated regions on the planet. The mighty Brahmaputra flows down from Tibet through the mountains and plains of Assam and Bangladesh. In peninsular India, rivers such as the Narmada, Krishna, Kaveri and Godavari fight the rocks of the Deccan to make their way to the sea. Sri Lanka boasts of very old waterworks systems. Uncle Abdul Gayoom of Maldives never misses a chance for complaining that the islands of his country risk drowning due to global warming.

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