
It's a strange country to do business in, and it didn't take me long to realise that. But who would explain that to the bosses in Beijing? The cities had been captured by the West, the small-town invasion had begun, what remained to be conquered were the hill stations – and 'Northeast India'. These latter words meant a lot to Mrs Yang – like most Chinese, she believed that the phrase was a lie. That part after the Chicken's Neck was China's – the chicken's head comprising what India calls its Seven Sisters – and she wanted to claim it for her country.

I am a salesman and I sell elastic. I work for *****, Inc and I'd been sent to India on an assignment. Yes, I know that I'm a curiosity, for though almost everyone in the world (and even astronauts in outer space) has used a Made-in-China product at some point of time or the other, not too many can claim to have seen or met a Chinese salesman. And yes, we also deal in fake originals. We do Prada better than Prada and Gucci better than Gucci. And we do more business in one year than they have in the last fifty.

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Himal Southasian