Fresh paradigms for peace: Evolving a new framework for negotiations in North Southasia

Participants India: Anuradha Bhasin Jamwal, executive editor, Kashmir Times Bharat Bhushan, editor, Mail Today
C Rammanohar Reddy, editor, Economic and Political Weekly
N Ravi, editor, The Hindu
Shravan Kumar Garg, group editor, Dainik Bhaskar Pakistan: Abbas Nazir, editor, Dawn
Arif Nizami, president, Council of Pakistan Newspaper Editors
Azhar Abbas, executive director, Geo News
Syed Talat Hussain, executive director, Aaj TV
Zahid Hussain, senior editor, Newsline Afghanistan: Danish Karokhel, director and editor, Pajhwok News
Ehsanullah Arianzai, managing director, Ariana TV
Shahir Zahine, president, Killid Radio
Hussain Yassa, editor-in-chief, Outlook, Afghanistan Organisers: A S Panneerselvan, executive director Panos South Asia
Mitu Varma, director programmes, Panos South Asia; director, Panos Institute, India
Sahar Ali, country representative, Panos Pakistan Moderator: Kanak Mani Dixit, editor, Himal Southasian

For seven years running, Panos South Asia and Himal Southasian have brought together top media editors from India and Pakistan, to evolve fresh ideas and thinking on bilateral relations over two-day retreats held annually in conducive surroundings*. The idea has been to keep up the interaction and dialogue between the two countries through good times and bad, in the interests of a safe and prosperous Southasia.
Barcelona 2008 brought to the table the dramatically altered scenario in the region, with the resurgence of the Taliban and the increased presence of US and International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) under the command of NATO in Afghanistan. Afghanistan's joining SAARC brought matters even closer to home. There was no way a dialogue for regional peace could be held without bringing Afghanistan into the picture. This was especially important since the Western narrative was dominating all discourse on Afghanistan, with very little initiative or input from within the region.

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Himal Southasian