Hope rises in the East

When the back-pull of bourgeois charm
Kept from your ears the soaring sound
of the people singing.
You are still prisoner under the claws
of a fierce eagle.
– Bangla Poet Shamsur Rahman, translated  by Kabir Chowdhury

A scion of arguably the most prominent political family of Japan, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama did not really need to resort to sloganeering to win an election, in August, given that the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) was sure to lose. After over a half-century of nearly uninterrupted hold over the resources of the state, the LDP had become prisoners of outdated policies that prioritised businesses over citizens. All that the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) needed to tell the voters was that they were ready to take over. But Premier Yukio is no ordinary politician. He aims for nothing less than "creating history".

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Himal Southasian