Safdar Hashmi (1954 - 1989)
Safdar Hashmi (1954 - 1989)

India (for Safdar Hashmi)

Mimicking Allen Ginsberg’s ‘America’, a poet’s scathing critique of the Indian nationalist project

America, when will you send your eggs to India?
I'm sick of your insane demands.
– Allen Ginsberg, 'America'

India I have given you all and now I'm a memory.
I'm a name for a playwright killed and a movement born on
January 1, 1989.
I can't stand my own countrymen's minds.
India when will we end the daily war?
Go fuck yourself with your nuclear bomb.
India, I'm not Sanjay Gandhi
I don't give a damn about
making Marutis.

I will write poems about tyrants spilling blood in the streets.
India when will you be a playground for your children?
When will you celebrate Holi with red flags?
When will you remind the world of the dead in Bhopal?
When will you be worthy of a single landless peasant in Bihar?
India why are the songs of Bhikhari Thakur about lean days?
India when will you stop sending your engineers to America?

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