Reality strikes

Reality strikes

'And finally, Ladies and Gentlemennnn-ah…' the film-actress addressed the jam-packed crowd in the stadium as Neha watched the proceedings from the wings.

'The moment is upon us!' the actress screamed, and then let the moment fall silent, allowing it to soar and stretch across the bowl of the stadium, giving the crowd room, and encouraging it, almost willing it to enter into the instant's momentousness. The crowd did not fail her. It cheered in anticipation, sending a roar up into the dark skies. It was clear to Neha that they loved the actress, but what amazed her was how genuinely she loved them back. She might remember not a single soul from the crowd tomorrow, but right now, they were the only reason she existed. Neha marvelled at how the actress drew her sustenance from the arc lights, almost a form of photosynthesis, and then channelized that energy right into the crowd.

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Himal Southasian