Silence in the places of men

Chasing what keeps people quiet.

Heading for Karnataka's famous Jog Falls on National Highway 206, we make an early start out of Shimoga. The town looks like a war zone, because entire stretches of buildings and shopfronts have been demolished. We had seen such carnage in Chikmagalur too, a few days earlier. Why? Of all things, to widen the highway. Homage to the ravenous automobile god, of course. But not calculated to make us feel positively inclined about Shimoga.

Even if I am in a car, I think as we drive past the destruction, I would welcome a little hardship in driving – narrow roads, traffic – if that preserves the character of a town. Yet it never happens that way. Obsessed as we are with wheels, the car's needs always dictate how a city develops. Flyovers, highways, parking lots and, but of course, the destruction of whole sections of towns.

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Himal Southasian