The Indonesiaisation of Indonesia

Like onion and garlic
Will be sold someday
From pushcarts.

                        – Parmananda Shrivastava in Aag  

Malaysia has recently been spending a small fortune on multimedia campaigns to project itself as 'Truly Asia', but such a distinction belongs most naturally to Indonesia. People from all over the continent feel instantly at home in the mixed culture that has evolved in this country over the past several centuries. For Muslims from Bahrain or Bangladesh, Indonesia is a fascinating land. It has more Muslims than anywhere in the world, but is not an Islamic state. Most professionals respond to azaan, the ritual call to Muslim prayer, with a brief pause, and then get on with the business at hand. Some working women wear headscarves, but burqas attract curious glances. But despite marked differences, Indonesia is a country where Muslims from Arabia and Southasia can find a mosque whenever it is time to pray, and halal food is easily available on any street corner.

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