Visiting the Mahatma

Arriving recently at Mohandas K Gandhi's samadhi in Rajghat, we asked the caretakers at the office for the visitor's book from the previous day, to see what the first president of the newly established Republic of Nepal had penned. The lady proceeded to rummage through some unkempt drawers containing several bound notebooks, finally locating one which seemed like the right one. It was.

What President Ram Baran Yadav had written was obviously unprepared and impromptu, and therefore must have been from relatively close to the heart: "Gandhiji ka Quit India Movement aur freedom struggle dwara loktantrako andolanma prerana deyos." Roughly translated, that would read, "Let Gandhiji's efforts give [Nepalis] inspiration for the democratic movement." Nepal is coming into some unstable times up ahead, and the president of the republic is obviously going to be put to the test in terms of the decisions he takes amidst the polarisation between the Maoists and the rest. His words before the Mahatma, spoken as a soldier of democracy, will surely serve to guide him in the days ahead.

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