Bhojraj Pokharel (translated by Niranjan Kunwar)

Bhojraj Pokharel is a former Chief Election Commissioner of Nepal and an internationally recognised expert on elections in conflict and post-conflict scenarios. He has held high positions at various government, corporate and civic entities in Nepal, as well as at numerous international organisations including the United Nations. He has been a Senior JR Fellow at the US Institute of Peace, a Mason Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School and a member of the Kofi Annan Foundation’s Electoral Integrity Core Team. He is a co-author of the book 'Nepal Votes for Peace' and author of 'Election Violence Prevention through Diplomacy'. He is on Twitter as @PokharelBhojraj. | Niranjan Kunwar is the author of Nepal’s first queer memoir, 'Between Queens and the Cities' (2020). He has a master’s degree in education from the City University of New York with a specialisation in childhood education.
Himal Southasian