Images: flickr / alvaro tapia hidalgo, cc licence
Images: flickr / alvaro tapia hidalgo, cc licence

A flaming hope

Is there a sporting chance that the Olympic torch will one day be held aloft by a transsexual sportsperson?

All eyes on London, where the Games have begun. Will the real girls please step this way? Telling the girls from the boys in international sport has been almost as contentious as cracking down on doping and performance enhancing drugs. Assigning gender, however, is way more complex than is popularly believed.

Recently, a retired track athlete living in Kolkata and working as a ticket examiner in the Indian Railways made headlines; not for her athletic prowess, but over whether 'she' was a 'she' at all. Twenty-six-year-old Pinki Pramanik was arrested in mid-June on charges of raping her live-in partner. The case was melodramatic on many counts, involving as it did a talented athlete who had bagged medals in 2006 at both the Doha Asiad Games and the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne.

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Himal Southasian