A People’s Movement, now, for Pakistan

A People's Movement, now, for Pakistan

With Pervez Musharraf's legitimacy and support base crumbling, Pakistan's parties in the opposition plan a concerted attempt to restore democracy. A People's Movement is what's needed, nothing less.

In Pakistan's tryst with long periods of military rule, elected civilian governments have appeared as mere aberrations. None of the dictators were ousted due to popular pressure – General Yahya Khan replaced Field Marshal Ayub Khan; it was the humiliating defeat in Bangladesh that ended Yahya's tenure; and Zia Ul-Haq's death in a mysterious air crash paved the way for a democratic interlude. The supremacy of the Pakistan Army as an institution has largely gone unchallenged, and the politicians remain meek when dealing with the generals. The broad pattern of Pakistani politics will not change in the absence of a mass upsurge.

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