A Subcontinental consensus?

This summer's thaw in Pakistan-India relations has breathed new life into track two processes between the countries. The region's pacifists have risen with recharged spirits, with visits and exchanges following the recommendations that evolved in countless earlier seminar discussions. The most recent such visit was undertaken by a group of Indian parliamentarians led by veteran journalist Kuldip Nayar, an independent member of the Indian upper house. Organised by the Pakistan-India People's Forum for Peace and Democracy, the visit (to Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi) was in reciprocation to a journey in May by a delegation of Pakistani legislators led by Ishaq Khan Khakwani of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League (Quaid-e-Azam).

Speaking in Karachi, in the last week of June, Nayar and his compatriots sent out a strong message of peace and friendship to an appreciative audience. There is a "Subcontinental consensus", said Nayar, that war was not the answer to our problems. "We have to ask ourselves two questions: are we ready for peace; and are we ready for a commitment to peace?"

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