Abdullah anew

"The party needs a young and energetic person at the helm of affairs. It's time for me to rest. Omar will be the next National Conference president," longtime National Conference President Farooq Abdullah had announced at an April 2002 meeting of the party's working committee before the Jammu & Kashmir Assembly elections were held that year. It was only seven years later that the father's wish came true. On 5 January 2009, at 38 years of age, Omar Abdullah became the youngest chief minister of Jammu & Kashmir.

Despite their continued political prominence, the past decade has been a rocky ride for the Abdullahs. At the national level, in 2002 Farooq Abdullah's hopes of being nominated for a vice-presidential term by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) – which then included the National Conference – were dashed. Back in Kashmir, in the assembly elections the same year, Omar Abdullah even lost his seat from the family bastion of Ganderbal. In the meantime, the People's Democratic Party (PDP), created by the Abdullahs' longtime bête noire, Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, won 16 seats and formed a coalition with the Congress party to rule J & K. The National Conference was thus forced to assume the role of opposition, for which it was particularly unprepared.

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Himal Southasian