An open and shut case for Uttarakhand

As someone emotionally involved with the Uttara¬khand agitation, I have followed, with interest the articles and correspondence published in the last three issues of Himal. I was born in Uttarakhand, and after a long career with the Government of India have now, for the past 20 years, been living in my ancestral home in Almora. Several people have asked me to pen down my thoughts on the Uttarakhand agitation; I refrained. I think I should do so now.

Six months ago, an agitation erupted in Uttarakhand, following the announcement of a 27 percent reservation for people from Other Backward Castes and Classes (OBCs). The agitation was immediately dubbed anti-social, anti-reform, unprogressive, pro-high caste, pro-manu-wdi, backward looking, etc.

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Himal Southasian