An open letter to a starving child

Dear Starving Child,

I saw your picture in one of these "Feed The Children" magazine ads. It said your mother dumped you in a Sri Lankan back-alley trash heap, and that you´ve been a street urchin, begging for scraps from Bedouin traders, since you were five. And it said for two cents a day 1 could feed you. Well, I must say, I don´t know how you can live like that. I mean, what are you thinking? If I were you, I´d high-tail it home and make myself a juicy ham sandwich with some cheese on it, then I´d put it in the microwave so the cheese melts and the sandwich is nice and warm. In fact, I´d toast the bread so it has a little crunch to it.

And that brings me to why I´m writing you. I think I can offer you some basic tips on how to get along better in life. Instead of giving you a mere two cents a day, I´m going to give you a lifetime´s accumulated wisdom. You see, as a successful carpet salesman, I do all right. And I think I can share a lesson or two about getting the most out of this crazy game called life.

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Himal Southasian