Back to 2002

February 2002 was the month of a miracle. A war that had seemed unstoppable was suddenly halted with the signing of the Norwegian-facilitated Ceasefire Agreement by the government and LTTE. The security checkpoints covering the country, particularly the northeast, were dismantled. Thousands of sightseers from the south flocked into previously out-of-bound regions, and thousands more flooded southwards to transact business in Colombo. But by January 2006, the situation had threatened to reverse itself completely, as violence again turned the northeast into a virtual battleground. This was the context in which the Geneva talks of 22-23 February 2006 took place.

When the media conference at the conclusion of the two-day Geneva session was delayed for three hours, speculation was rife  that the government and LTTE had been unable to reach an agreement. Norwegian facilitator Erik Solheim had already warned of the need not to ratchet up expectations, because trust was low between the new team of government negotiators and the LTTE.

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