Going to Oslo is better than going to war

Sri Lanka has suddenly entered a period of escalating violence after the general elections that saw Mahinda Rajapakse, the candidate of hardline Sinhalese parties, being elected president on 17 November. Ironically, it was the LTTE's enforced boycott of the polls by Tamil voters in the north and east that clinched victory for Rajapakse, by the slimmest of margins. Most of the Tamil vote would have gone to opposition candidate Ranil Wickremesinghe, who had projected himself as the peace candidate.

Following an election campaign meant to energise his Sinhalese base and an inaugural speech reaffirming his poll promises on 29 November, in recent days, President Rajapakse has been speaking of peace, compromise and restraint. It is the Tamil Tigers, on the other hand, who are behind most of the large scale attacks that have seen the death of more than 50 security personnel in the five weeks following the presidential election. Most of the casualties have been due to landmine blasts.

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Himal Southasian