Dorab Patel’s Second Innings

With the passing away on 15 March of former Supreme Court judge Dorab Patel, Pakistan lost one of its most prominent and dedicated human rights activists. A slightly built figure, always conservatively dressed in suit and tie, he was an unlikely national hero with his Anglicised background and conservative, elitist upbringing as the son of a wealthy Zoroastrian businessman. The story of Justice Patel´s life as a human rights crusader, starting from the time he chose to retire on principle during the rule of military dictator Gen Ziaul Haq, is one through which Pakistan´s chequered history since that period could be told.

On 24 March 1981, he refused to take a fresh oath under the Provisional Constitutional Order (PCO), promulgated by Gen Zia, which not only negated the independence of the judiciary but also prolonged martial law by nullifying the effect of a judgement giving Gen Zia´s regime limited recognition. As a signatory to the judgement, Dorab Patel could not have taken the new oath, given his strict conscience.

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