Hawks descend on Assam

Hawks descend on Assam

It had seemed that the ULFA wanted the manifesto to be the starting point for talks with the central government, and for the first time a militant outfit was spelling out its political as well as economic positions. While the political positioning seemed ambiguous and the socialism espoused somewhat dated, the manifesto certainly provided the basis for negotiations. The Centre responded positively, committing itself openly to talks. The ULFA formed the People's Consultative Group (PCG) as a think tank to assist it in the parleys.

Problems began immediately, for within weeks came an army crackdown on the ULFA in a wildlife sanctuary in Dibrugarh District. An explosion attributed to the rebels killed several children at Dhemaji on Independence Day, 15 August 2005. There were explosions in Guwahati and elsewhere throughout the following year, all of which were attributed to the ULFA. The latest act was the killing of Biharis in the Tinsukia and Dibrugarh districts in January 2007. The government has invariably attributed the explosions and killings to the ULFA, without producing adequate proof, and with each blast or killing the possibility of negotiations recedes. The killings of Biharis have now pushed back talks indefinitely.

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