Image: Flickr/ The U.S. Army, CC licence
Image: Flickr/ The U.S. Army, CC licence

Here to stay

A strategic US-Afghan pact looks to guarantee US presence until 2024, but crucial details remain undecided or unclear.

After months of strenuous negotiations and drama, earlier this week Afghanistan and the United States agreed on the draft of the much touted Strategic Partnership Agreement. The Agreement basically states the US will continue to support the war-torn country until 2024. Beyond that unsurprising remark, the agreement scrupulously avoids contentious issues in US-Afghan relations, leaving those for future negotiation. US Ambassador to Kabul Ryan Crocker and Afghan National Security Advisor Rangin Dadfar Spanta initialled the text of the long-term agreement on Sunday.

The agreement must now pass through both countries' processes of internal review. In Afghanistan, it must be approved by the country's National Assembly, which comprises both the upper and the lower house. On Monday afternoon, Spanta and Foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul briefed Afghanistan's parliament and senate. For the US, it means interagency review, possible consultation with the US Congress (not to be confused with an approval) and a final review by US President Barack Obama.

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