Hope wanes

A certain desperation for some signs of hope on Afghanistan has accorded a broad-based welcome to Barack Obama's new policy, which appears to contain the promise of wide-ranging changes. Closer scrutiny of the policy's white paper, however, calls for caution. Despite the multifaceted goals it endorses, implying a comprehensive approach, the policy prioritises a narrow military goal as the focus of US policy. Other elements of support to political processes and development may end up underwriting the military strategy on Afghanistan, an approach that would have serious consequences for the security and welfare of the Afghan population.

The new policy assembles a number of worthy aims, including its emphasis on good governance and a dramatic increase in civilian capacity of Afghans. At the same time, however, it also clearly states that the "core goal of the US must be to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat the al-Qaeda and its safe havens in Pakistan, and to prevent their return to Pakistan or Afghanistan." These aims are no different from the initial goals of George W Bush's White House, which was widely criticised for its narrow and short-term military aims.

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