Between Delhi and Madras

A comprehensive evaluation of India-Sri Lanka relations, particularly in the context of the ongoing peace talks between Colombo and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), would not be complete without taking into account the plight of Sri Lankan Tamil refugees residing in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. New Delhi's maladroit handling of Sri Lankan issues is mirrored in its approach to the displaced Tamils. Lacking a definite policy, South Block has deferred responsibility for the problem to the state government of Tamil Nadu.

For its part, Tamil Nadu's government is pinning its hopes on the ongoing peace talks between the Sri Lankan government and the LTTE. There were some discussions about the rehabilitation of displaced persons during the first two rounds in September and November 2002, but nothing definite was said about refugees living in India. Tamil Nadu expects that the concerned parties will arrive at an agreement soon, following which the refugees will be repatriated into north and east Sri Lanka. Clearly, it is not taking its cue from New Delhi's wishes.

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Himal Southasian