Infrastructure redefined

Infrastructure redefined

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will aid the global economy.

At the end of June 2015, 57 prospective member-states gathered in Beijing to sign the articles of association for an institution that China had first mooted in 2013, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). At the time of its launch, 50 countries had signed the bank's charter, and another seven were waiting for final domestic approval. China had managed to win the endorsement of a large number of countries, including the UK and those in Western Europe. Headquartered in Beijing, the development bank was formally launched by President Xi Jinping on 16 January 2016.

This widespread endorsement was telling, since the run-up to the launch was fraught with controversy. When the AIIB was formally announced on 24 October 2014, only 20 countries had agreed to be its founding members. The US, UK, Japan, South Korea, and Indonesia were not on the list. It included a few countries from Central Asia and West Asia, members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) excluding Indonesia and five countries from Southasia – India was the largest non-Chinese founding member.

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