Letter to the whole-timer

Dear Maoist whole-timers:

Your leaders taught you to use violence for political change, but that lesson has proven irrelevant in Nepal's open society, which your party entered in early 2006. The Maoist leadership finally must have understood over time that it is peaceful politics that require true courage and steadfastness in comparison to armed insurgency. Unfortunately, it seems they are uwilling or unable to share this discovery and certain emerging truths with you – hence, this note. The Maoist leaders address the world and Kathmandu's intelligentsia in calm and democratic prose, in direct contrast to how they harangue the whole-timer activists with calls for a 'protracted people's war', urban revolt and ultra-nationalist agitation. One suspects a tendency to keep the cadre unaware of trends in international politics and national security. There is little doubt that there is a large contingent in-country and internationally that wishes to see the Maoists fail; but still, the bewilderingly weakened situation of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) today rests primarily at the door of the party leadership.

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Himal Southasian