Nothing free or fair about it

A complicated and veiled system of tariffs allows Western countries to protect their tiny farming populations while millions of farmers in developing countries are swamped under a tide of cheap imports. Such systemic hypocrisy in international trade must be confronted for the sake of the global poor.

At the inaugural ceremony of the 2002 World Food and Farming Congress, held recently in London, I found myself sandwiched at a dinner between the two poles – a former United States ambassador for agriculture to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and Zimbabwe's permanent representative. Since this was the closest I had ever been to the trade negotiators, I summoned up the courage to ask a question of the former US ambassador: "Tell me, how do you arm-twist developing countries into submission?"

At the inaugural ceremony of the 2002 World Food and Farming Congress, held recently in London, I found myself sandwiched at a dinner between the two poles – a former United States ambassador for agriculture to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and Zimbabwe's permanent representative. Since this was the closest I had ever been to the trade negotiators, I summoned up the courage to ask a question of the former US ambassador: "Tell me, how do you arm-twist developing countries into submission?"

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Himal Southasian