Psyche Warfare

Talks between India and Pakistan are periodically resumed and abandoned, with both sides fixated in their positions and little hope for reconciliation. Rather than throw one´s hands up in despair, it is educative to look into the underpinnings of the Indo-Pakistani conflict and the deeper causes for the locked positions. And indeed, a closer look reveals that this ceaseless South Asian conflict is an outgrowth of inter-communal contradictions of northern India in general and Punjab in particular. It serves to be reminded that an average South Indian, Pathan, Baluch or Sindhi is, at the most, apathetic towards seemingly never-ending Indo-Pak conflict.

North Indians and Pak-Punjabis constitute the majority of the population in both countries and, directly or indirectly, they are the ones who set the foreign policy parameters on each side. To stay in power, the leaders coming from the other ´nationalities´ within India and Pakistan, if they make it to the top slot, have to play the game. As a matter of fact, the leaders coming from minority nationalities, such as in the case of Benazir Bhutto, have to go an extra mile to prove their loyalty to the majority group.

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