Responding to the Ganga-Brahmaputra Floods

Social – and not – civil engineering will help floodplain societies to benefit from floods, while reducing their vulnerability to them.

Recent years have seen growing media attention directed to the floods in the lowlands of Ganga-Brahmaputra basin – the home of one-tenth of humanity. The misery and insecurity of this large, and predominantly poor population, in the aftermath of heavy monsoons has rightly drawn sympathetic attention of the world. Looking beyond immediate relief measures, the challenge is to attain an understanding of the hydro-ecology of these floods, to study their devastation, as well as their benefits. In this task, however, environmentalists have often taken a simplistic yet alluring stand, blaming hill deforestation while ignoring other factors at work. There is need for a holistic ecological analysis of the hydrological processes of floods and the socio-biological adaptations that have evolved. There must be a more scientific and objective basis for the environmental analysis of the mega-disasters in this large basin.

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Himal Southasian