Illustration: Marcin Bondarowicz
Illustration: Marcin Bondarowicz

The security metaphysic

An account of how the defence and security industry in India is increasingly domesticated by private players.

(This is an edited extract from Manisha Sethi's book Kafkaland: Prejudice, Law and Counterterrorism in India, published by Three Essays Press in October 2014.)

"If it is a good man, he will be stopped by the pneumatic tyre killers." The Chief Operating officer (COO) explains earnestly, pointing to the mean looking metallic teeth that threatens to slash to ribbons anything that rolls over it.

"If it is a bad man however, he will continue on. Then these bollards will rise and stop him." As he says this, a metallic cylinder rises from the floor with great sound and fury. And just in case the 'bad man' escapes this too, there is the crash-rated barrier. A large screen runs an animation video on spool, graphically demonstrating how the tyre killers, bollards and barriers can combat an onslaught of suicide bombers. Together, these three are the core of the "affordable and impregnable security from Israel" being showcased at the Homeland Security India fair in Greater Noida. A 100 percent owned subsidiary of a Holon-based company that offers 'perimeter protection solutions' – a popular phrase in this market – these makers of tyre killers and bollards set up shop in Ahmedabad in 2010.

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