Playing to the Sinhala gallery

A mistaken political judgement has lead the Sri Lankan President endanger the peace process. Sagacity is now required from both Ranil Wickremesinghe as well as Vellupillai Prabhakaran while this mess in Colombo is sorted out.

After grappling with 20 years of conflict Sri Lanka was beginning to see positive steps towards economic growth, peace and stability when President Chandrika Kumaratunga, exercising her constitutional powers, took over three ministerial portfolios and prorogued Parliament on 4 November 2003. This came in the wake of the long awaited LTTE proposals on an interim administration for the North East which were handed over on 31 October 2003 to the Norwegian facilitators to be forwarded to the government. The business climate had improved, and major foreign investors were finalising their plans for employment generating investments in the economy. It was at this juncture that power politics in Colombo rudely interrupted a process that seemed to have regained its equilibrium after a long deadlock.

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Himal Southasian