Sita’s daughters and manufactured truth

Defenders of an open society can do better than to focus on Sach Ka Saamna.

What does Sita have to do with the new reality show Sach Ka Saamna? If the public shenanigans of our political class and some media channels are any indication, then truth could yet again be in danger of becoming a casualty. The verbal antics that pass for parliamentary debates in India are reverberating through unimaginative talk shows of India's television channels and print media. Battle lines are drawn. On the one side are self-righteous protectors of India's cultural morality, drawing their legitimacy as avowed representatives of the people of India. Facing them off as self-appointed defenders of freedom of expression, democracy and truth are electronic-media houses, show producers, news anchors, print journalists and the chattering classes in general.

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Himal Southasian