Age of aquarius

When Saturn moved to the house of Aries after 30 years at 1.27 pm on 17 April 1998, some politicians from both the ruling and opposition parties in Sri Lanka went off abroad hoping to escape the malefic influences. Some newspapers regarded as ´hostile´ by the ruling People´s Alliance had a field day reporting astrologers who said that the next few months were going to be particularly bad for those born under Aquarius. Those newspapers took pleasure presenting a doomsday scenario and naming the ministers who had flown off.

President Chandrika Kumaratunga made haste to tell her party MPs that the April planetary changes were actually good for her personally as well as for the government. When a newspaper claimed that she was in Europe as the celestial changes were occurring, the state-owned television channel moved swiftly to reassure the public that she was very much in Colombo and attending to her duties. The same telecast presented a favourable forecast for the country following the planetary changes featuring an astrologer who used the opportunity for some free advertising: "Ordinary readings Rs. 50," said the sign in front of him. "Special reading Rs. 250."

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