The Cool-Cab indicator

The Indian economy is on a roll, ask the Bombay taxi driver.

Cool Cabs are the electric-blue, air-conditioned taxis that were introduced in Bombay about five years ago. Unfortunately for the taxi-owners, by the time people got hooked to the comforts of the cab, recession struck, asset prices crashed and Bombay felt it the hardest. Brokers, lenders, bankers, who would have taken the cab on their journeys home to the suburbs, opted instead for car pools —shared non air-conditioned taxis —and even went back to travelling by train.

All that has begun changing again. " Tezee (speed) has returned," said a Cool Cab driver recently. "Just when I had given up and was thinking of changing my taxi from A/C to non A/C, good times are back."

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Himal Southasian